This website highlights the Bible-teaching ministry of David Servant. It exists to serve God-seekers, people who want to follow Jesus. Scripture says,
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you – James 4:8
God is not hiding. He’s revealed himself through His creation, through everyone’s conscience, and through His Word, the Bible. But He doesn’t force Himself upon anyone. Rather, He humbly waits to be sought. He wants relationships, not robots.
Who is David Servant?
David Servant has served for more than 40 years in vocational ministry, pioneering and pastoring three churches during 20 of those years, and personally ministering in more than fifty of the world’s nations.
He is the founder and also the president of Heaven’s Family, a Christian nonprofit that is advancing Jesus’ kingdom in more than 40 nations around the world. Heaven’s Family invests in reaching the unreached with the gospel, discipling Christ’s followers, and serving the suffering—particularly those whom He referred to as the “least of these” (Matt. 25:31-46; 28:19-20).
David has authored numerous books, including a 500-page equipping manual titled The Disciple-Making Minister, which has been translated into more than 30 languages.
David Servant’s Most Popular Articles
You’ll find teaching articles here on numerous biblical and contemporary topics. You can view all of his monthly e-teachings here. Make sure to subscribe to David’s email list and receive his monthly e-teachings right in your inbox.
If you’re new to this site, here are some of David’s most popular teaching articles:
David Servant on Christian Living
- Interpreting the Bible
- Fundamentals of Faith
- God’s Discipline
- Secrets of Evangelism
- The Sermon on the Mount Video Series
David Servant on Christian Families
David Servant on Stewardship
- Stewardship and Money
- Jesus, Venture Capitalist
- Tithing to the Local Church?
- Seven Scriptural Secrets to Ultimate Financial Fulfillment
For Christian Leaders
- Setting the Right Goal
- Beginning Rightly
- Continuing Properly
- The Ministry of Teaching
- Jesus’ Favorite Preacher
David Servant’s Daily Devotions
David Servant’s Books
David is not only a Bible teacher and a former pastor, he has also written several books dealing with a variety of topics such as spiritual gifts, Biblical stewardship, church growth, how to raise a godly family, apologetics, Biblical interpretation, and evangelism. Several of his books can be read for free below.
The Disciple Making Minister
David’s 500-page discipleship manual The Disciple-Making Minister has been translated into over 30 languages and given to tens of thousands of very poor pastors around the world. This manual was written primarily for ministers, but it can help anyone who wants to serve in Christ’s body.
HeavenWord Daily
HeavenWord Daily is a devotional journey through the New Testament. Following a chronological reading plan, HeavenWord Daily is not a fluff devotional, but rather a “motivational do-votional.” It is full of insight and inspiration and will help make your daily devotions even more enriching. You can buy the book, or read for free online.
Family-Style Devotions
Family-Style Devotions is a family devotional that centers on the life of Christ. It touches most everything written about Him in the four Gospels.
As a home-schooling dad, David Servant discovered that most Christian resources that were available for family devotions seemed to focus solely on teaching ethics or life lessons. As valuable as these things are, David wanted to teach his children about Jesus and Scripture (which certainly includes a lot of ethics and life lessons, but also a whole lot more).
So David set himself to the task of writing the Christ-centered family devotional he desired for his family. Each daily devotional includes questions for parents to provoke discussion with their children. You can subscribe to the devotional for free.
Forever Rich
Forever Rich contains the seven most important secrets to ultimate financial fulfillment—pearls of biblical wisdom that you can begin to apply immediately—on your path to becoming forever rich. You can request a free copy to your inbox.
The Great Gospel Deception
In The Great Gospel Deception David Servant examines what the New Testament actually teaches about saving faith, God’s transforming grace, and “the holiness without which no one will see the Lord” (Heb. 12:14). David questions the modern gospel that has become so popular, but which often lacks essential truths contained in the gospel of the apostles. You can read the book online for free.
Through the Needle’s Eye
In his book, Through the Needle’s Eye, David Servant considers everything that Jesus, as well as every author of the Old and New Testaments, taught in regard to stewardship. Although impossible by pure human effort, the journey through the needle’s eye is possible with God! This book can be read for free on David’s website.
Forgive Me For Waiting So Long to Tell You This
Forgive Me For Waiting So Long to Tell You This is a book written for unbelievers who are contemplating eternal things. This resource is perfect to give as an evangelistic tool.
David Servant’s Video Teaching
Sermon on the Mount
Join David Servant in Galilee near the very spot where Jesus preached the original Sermon on the Mount. Each 30 minute segment is a verse-by-verse, in-depth examination of the heart of Jesus’ challenging and life-changing message.
Crash Course to a Wonderful Christian Family
In this 3-part video series about how to build a strong Christian family you will learn how to have a marriage “made in heaven,” how to put the Lord in the center, and how to raise godly children.
HeavenWord 7 Video Devotional
Join David Servant in this 7-minute, weekday video series as he teaches chronologically through the New Testament, verse-by-verse. You will enjoy David’s balanced yet non-compromising teaching of God’s Word. And you will gain new insights that will help you grow spiritually. Make sure to subscribe for free!
HeavenWord TV Video Devotional
You can join David in this 30-minute, weekly video series as he teaches chronologically through the New Testament, verse-by-verse. Enjoy these teachings in 30-minute episodes rather than 7-minute episodes. Make sure to subscribe for free!
Little Lessons
Through his YouTube series Little Lessons, David answers questions about spiritual topics, including sometimes difficult and sensitive questions that his viewers submit to him. His channel reaches thousands of viewers around the world every month.