The Cessna Citation Samaritan

By David Servant

A man was walking down the road from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went away leaving him half dead.

And by chance, a Christian was driving down that road while listening to worship music. When he noticed the unconscious and bloody man lying on the roadside, he bound the evil spirits in Jesus’ name that were responsible for the brutal assault, and then he “decreed and declared” that the man would live and not die. Finally, he prayed that God would send someone to help the unfortunate man. It felt so good to be a Christian who understands spiritual authority and is full of compassion.

Not long after, a megachurch pastor was driving down that road in his SUV. When he saw the unconscious man, he stopped, got out of his car, and took several selfies of himself from different angles with the beaten man in the background. He thought to himself, “These photos will be great to use at next week’s fundraising banquet for our new building. People will pledge more if I make my fundraising pitch for a new sanctuary and a homeless shelter.” He then quickly drove off so he wouldn’t be late for his lunch appointment at the country club.

Finally, a prosperity preacher was landing at the Jericho airport in his Cessna Citation jet, and his jet flew quite close to where the crumpled man was lying. That prosperity preacher never saw him through the window by his seat, however, because he was preparing a sermon titled, “How to Claim God’s Favor.” But, the noise of the low-flying aircraft was so loud that it awakened the man from his unconsciousness, and he was able to slowly stand to his feet and limp for two miles to the emergency room of the Jericho hospital.

The moral of this story? Send money to prosperity preachers, who often help people without even realizing it.